Those of you that are paying attention will have noticed that G0ROZ-3 has been off air over the weekend.
I finally got through the snowfall and got to site this morning. I found that the computer and the monitor had both died. I have brought the computer home to repair it. I do have a spare monitor, or two, hanging around, so I will take a replacement monitor to site when the computer is fixed.
In the meantime, G0ROZ-3 will be off air.
I was not being very truthful about the snowfall. Although it was snowing up on the hilltop, it was not settling and did not pose any problem at all!
Examination of the G0ROZ-3 computer shows that the power supply has blown and the Hard Drive has died. This will take a little while to fix, especially as I have to reload Windows XP on to the computer. Hopefully I have the XP .iso files still hanging aboute.